Our lunchtime concert on Wednesday 8 June was given by Form 2 music scholar, violinist Elsa Marsh. Elsa started her programme with the exquisite first movement from the A minor violin concerto by Bach. Elsa’s confidence shone through her performance playing lengthy scalic passages with conviction and control, creating an assured tapestry of sound. To follow was the famous Meditation from Thaïs by Massenet. For such a young performer, Elsa controlled each phrase with delicacy and poise and produced such a clear tone from her violin. The dynamic control in quieter, softer moments had the audience completely gripped, and the contrast in approach from the higher harmonics to lower strings showed real maturity. Bravo! To finish, Elsa launched straight into the final movement of Franck’s violin sonata, again controlled with a sense of purpose and conviction, creating a conversation-like performance with the piano accompaniment. What a delightful concert, well done Elsa!