The last week of term saw Lower School pupils take part in The Big Draw, which is an international drawing Festival held annually between 1-31 October.
The theme this year was ‘Climate of Change’. The pupils could consider how people interacted with animals and the planet, and how this is constantly changing.
Teacher of Art and organiser of the event, Miss Jessica Gilbert said, “The pupils thoroughly enjoyed this collaborative drawing challenge. This year it took place in their Houses, where they felt more comfortable and were therefore able to be more expressive. They had studied climate change as part of their Middle Years Programme (MYP) Creative Arts course, so they had prior knowledge of the subject and responded in different and imaginative ways.”
Housemaster of Peterborough House, Malcolm Fairweather said, “The boys in my House loved ‘The Big Draw’, ably and enthusiastically covering giant sheets of paper with drawing and colour. We look forward to the next one!”
Their work will be displayed in the Lower School and pieces of their work can also be viewed on the Art Instagram account @oakham_art .