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F i n d o u t n o w F i n d o u t n o w F i n d o u t n o w
29th May 2020

Lower 1 and Form 1 have a successful term studying Science whilst distance learning

Last term saw Lower 1 and Form 1 Science classes successfully studying electricity as well as space and gravity and other topics, in a remote learning environment.

Lower 1 pupils worked on news flash reports documenting scientific developments in their electricity topic, focusing on Thomas Edison and the electric light bulb. They also carried out experiments at home investigating static electricity.

Pupils were also asked to conduct a short survey about the best or most influential electrical appliance.

This was followed by a Space topic with the Lower 1 classes using a torch and globe/ball to help model the seasons at home.

Head of Chemistry Mrs Joanne Griffiths said, “Some aspects of science really need more than a verbal explanation so we’ve been encouraging the pupils to get involved and follow the modelling tasks along with their teachers.” 

Joanne continues, “Form 1 pupils joined in with a chocolate rock cycle practical lesson. We all had fun weathering our chocolate rocks and producing sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks. Of course the best bit of that experiment was eating the chocolate in the end!!! It did help the ideas of the rock cycle processes sink in for some of our pupils though too.”

Form 1 pupils then moved onto the topic of Waves and Perception and their first practical task was investigating shadows.

Joanne said, “Some of the teachers have encouraged the pupils to run their own shadow experiment at home so that they are developing their skills of measuring accurately and also considering the variables involved when setting up an experiment. To get the filming of this lesson to work I had to conduct the lesson lying on the floor – definitely teaching from a new perspective during this distance learning period!!”


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