La Chandeleur, also known as Fête de la Lumière, or jour des crêpes, took place on 2nd February this year and marks the possible end of winter and the return of light. The tradition is that you hold a piece of gold in your left hand and toss the pancake with your right hand. If you manage to do it without dropping the pancake, you will have money all year round!
Head of French Jen Dook said, “Lower 1 pupils are currently learning about French food and its related vocabulary (meals, fruits and vegetables and more), so this feast day seemed like the perfect opportunity for them to discover the French traditions and to try out their cooking skills.”
At Oakham, French is a core subject studied by nearly all students to GCSE and by many beyond. It is one of the most popular subjects in Upper School (Sixth Form), with students studying French at A-level or in the IB Diploma.