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F i n d o u t n o w F i n d o u t n o w F i n d o u t n o w
13th October 2023

An Insightful Half Term of Torch Lectures

This half term marks the start of a new lecture series focusing on academic enrichment across all subjects. Oakham School’s Torch Lecture Series has seen a range of guests visit and impart their wisdom upon our eager pupils.

The start of this new series also sparked the relaunch of Oakham School’s Language Society in which Upper School Linguists came together and were introduced to the non-linguistic advantages and joys of learning a foreign language. The aim was to incentivise the continuation of foreign language learning into the future whilst also celebrating a variety of cultures through music, international food tasting and cultural quizzes. Read more here.

The following week, 60 keen Upper School Mathematicians welcomed Dr Mats Vermeeren, a post-doctorate lecturer from Loughborough University. His talk, entitled The Mathematics behind the Rainbow captivated pupils with games and real-life examples illustrating the phenomenon of refraction. Dr Vermeeren showed his experience in engaging pupils with complex mathematics through a rainbow – a natural occurrence that all have seen, but few know the cause.

Biology’s Torch Lecture was led by Oakham School Form 7 Pupils who presented on a variety of topics to a packed audience of Form 6 and 7 peers within the newly refurbished Old Hall. With Dr Andrew Nicoll, Teacher of Biology and Chair of Oakham School’s Biology Society presiding over the evening, pupils impressed with their high quality presentations which included:

Zadie authoritatively speaking on vasovagal syncope;

Ethan sensitively describing his work with dementia patients at a local care home;

Edward eloquently delivering an extensively researched talk on the physiology of stress;

Kiril tackling the philosophical paradigm known as the anthropic principle;

Stanley outlining the chemistry of aromatic compounds and their applications.

The insightful evening was rounded up by our Teachers of Science Dr Patricia Ingles, Head of Biology, who enthusiastically reviewed two contrasting books before handing over to Jo Griffiths, Head of Chemistry who delved into the chemical components of chocolate and the sensory sensations they evoke.

The Torch Lecture Series continues after the half-term break, with Chemistry, German, Religion and Philosophy and D&T in the spotlight. Stay up to date with the Torch Lecture Series on the News section of our website.

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