Going Above and Beyond!
This term, F2 displayed some fantastic teamwork and creativity throughout their English Enterprise Project.
The key concept of this unit is communication and pupils use their English skills to create a successful enterprise which relies upon good communication and cooperation within teams.
Tasked with creating a fictional Travel Agency, pupils were required to produce work throughout the term that demonstrates a clear understanding of target audience, purpose and communication.
The project is designed to incite friendly competition between the teams as they battle it out to be the most successful fictional business enterprise.
It was thrilling to watch as the teams thoroughly embraced the project in the classroom and invested a lot of their free time outside of lessons to meet up and work on their businesses.
Some amazing marketing materials and branded merchandise were produced, one team even produced their own professional business cards and website!
They also produced some fabulous pieces of writing, including ‘Holiday from Hell’ travel reviews and planned ‘designer holidays’ for their teachers.
All the classes had a winning team and a runner up – it was a fiercely fought contest in the end!
Poetry Out Loud
Our Form 3 poetry finalists were invited to perform their chosen poems to their peers and four Trustees in a live and very engaging poetry competition. The challenging task of judging the competition and choosing the winners was given to our four Trustee guests who gave brilliant feedback to each performer.
The overall winner was Charlie who performed Hamlet’s first soliloquy by Shakespeare. Oliver was runner up with his performance of Funeral Blues by Auden and Isobel came third with her performance of ‘He wishes for the cloths of Heaven’ by Yeats.
All finalists won an Easter Egg and the overall winner also received a £5 book token. It was a wonderful celebration of live poetry to mark the end of term!
As we work on the final touches of our 5th issue of SpOken magazine, Spring 2024, which will be published for distribution at the beginning of next term, we are pleased to announce the prizes awarded to those featured in the Winter 2023 issue.
SpOken is our pupil-led School literary magazine which is packed full of poems and stories written by Oakham School pupils of all ages and compiled by a team of pupil editors.
Prizes are awarded in assembly at the end of each term to a chosen Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School pupil for their contribution, this term, rewards went to:
Lower School – Charlotte Sampson, October Afternoon
Middle School – Joshua Lai, Home
Upper School – Lara Nesselhut, Home
In part, the inspiration for Lara’s and Joshua’s poem was their discussion in lessons around National Poetry Day in September, during which we explored poems about the experience of refugeeism. Charlotte’s is a lovely seasonal poem.
Read our Winter 2023 issue here to see their work and keep an eye out for the next issue!