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F i n d o u t n o w F i n d o u t n o w F i n d o u t n o w

Leading Scientist gives Inspiring Lecture

26th February 2025

At the end of last term, the Biology Department was privileged to host Professor Sir Ian Boyd FRS, President of the Royal Society of Biology. Prof Boyd is a marine scientist who was Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government on Food and the Environment. He has received the Scientific Medal of the Zoological Society of London and the Polar Medal from HM Queen Elizabeth II.

In his Biology Torch Lecture entitled ‘Canaries in a cage – exploiting the ocean sustainably’, Sir Ian outlined the effects of current levels of human utilisation of the earth’s resources, especially on the polar environments he had studied.  Sir Ian pointed out there is a lack of consensus about how to respond to this situation and discussed three types of social discourse on sustainability – what he called ‘tragedy’, ‘adaptation’ and ‘survivalist’.

Honoured guests were greeted by members of Year 13 in the Social Sciences Lobby. Then in a packed Ashburton Hall, over 70 Upper School pupils and visitors listened very attentively to a thought-provoking and perfectly judged lecture, after which presentations were made to Sir Ian himself, and to old friends of biology at Oakham, Tim Appleton MBE and Digby Walker.

During his visit, Prof Boyd toured the Mehra Faulty of Science, kindly describing the building as a ‘super facility’. Year 13 IB students Maximillian and Zoe made the introductions and Caitlin proposed the vote of thanks.

Teacher of Biology Dr Andrew Nicoll who organised the event said: “Sir Ian’s Torch Lecture was the best Bio Soc scientific meeting we have held for some time.”

“We thank Prof Sir Ian Boyd for his visit which, despite the difficulties with the trains, was a huge success.”

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