We are living through a new industrial revolution – an automation revolution – where fewer tasks are being completed by humans. This decrease has, conversely, created millions of jobs in Computer Science industries.
The teaching of Computer Science at Oakham has also undergone a revolution and we have moved away from teaching pupils merely how to use ICT, to helping them to truly understand how computers and other digital devices work and to master computational thinking, a useful thought process that is valued in every industry or discipline.
In Forms 1 to 3 (Years 7–9) pupils have dedicated Computer Science lessons in which theory and core skills are taught in a fun and engaging way with the help of Raspberry Pis, robots, wearable computers and by using a variety of programming languages to achieve exciting results.
In Forms 4 and 5 (Years 10 and 11) GCSE pupils are able to continue to express their creativity computationally by opting to study either Computer Science or iMedia at GCSE. In Forms 6 and 7 (Years 12 and 13) students can extend their computational thinking skills through the study of Computer Science at A-level and in the IB Diploma.