Man kann einen Menschen nichts lehren, man kann ihm nur helfen, es in sich selbst zu entdecken.
The second most widely spoken language in Europe, and a useful language in the world of business technology and engineering, German is also the medium through which some of the greatest works of music, literature and science have been created.
German is taught in a dynamic and engaging way throughout the School from Form 2 (Year 8) through to the Upper School (Sixth Form) at A-level and in the IB Diploma.
While pair work, group work, and teacher-led activities are the mainstay of languages classes, lesson styles and resources are diverse. Students immerse themselves not only in the German language but also in the culture of the country. Alongside the subject-specific skills such as an appreciation of grammar and of cultural norms, students gain broader abilities, such as confidence in public speaking. They also develop the ability to see things with a global perspective, understanding what it is to be German through, by example, exploring the differences between English and German customs.
To enhance our pupils’ cultural and linguistic knowledge beyond the classroom, we run language-themed days, an exchange programme with the Werner Heisenberg Gymnasium in Weinheim, Germany for pupils in Forms 3 and 4 (Years 9 and 10), competitions, and trips to German cities.