Just because we can’t find a solution doesn’t mean there isn’t one.
Mathematics has been studied for millennia, for reasons both practical and poetic, and fluency with mathematical ideas is central to a diverse range of fields.
Taught to all pupils from Form 1 (Year 7) to GCSE, our large department of subject specialists provide a strong foundation of mathematical skills for all our students to help them achieve their potential.
At post-16 level, many students choose to study Mathematics at A-level, where they study a mixture of Pure Mathematics, Mechanics and Statistics. We also offer the full Further Mathematics course, which provides a very thorough grounding for university-level study in Mathematics or related subjects, and leads to two A-levels.
Mathematics is a core component of the IB Diploma. We are proud to offer Higher Level Analysis & Approaches (AA), Standard Level Analysis & Approaches (AA), and Standard Level Applications & Interpretations (AI).
Beyond the curriculum, we regularly enter the UKMT Mathematical Challenges, both individually and in the team competitions, and regularly have competitors reach the Olympiad and European Kangaroo follow-up stages.