When children join Oakham School in Year 9, they begin an exciting new chapter filled with opportunities for personal growth and exploration. They are welcomed into an inclusive, ambitious community where they can challenge themselves, develop new skills, and form lasting friendships.

13+ Pre-test Entry Process
Children who currently attend a Prep School are encouraged to make their application during the autumn term of Year 7, in anticipation of joining Oakham School in Year 9, 22 months later. Applicants will sit our pre-test assessment and have an interview during the first or second term of Year 7.
Our pre-test assessments are conducted online and consist of Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, English, and Maths sections, plus a short piece of creative writing. Practice questions can be found here. Children will also have an interview to allow us to get to know them as an individual. The Head of the Prep School will be asked to send us references and reports.
We provide tailored support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to enable them to show their potential in these entrance assessments.
Offers made after the pre-test are conditional on the child’s performance in the Common Entrance Exam at the end of Year 8 (an average 55% pass mark). If the Prep School does not do the Common Entrance exam, he/she will need to achieve a similar performance in the Oakham entrance assessments in the January of Year 8.

Entry Process
Children not currently in a Prep School, typically make their application during the autumn term of Year 8, in anticipation of joining Oakham School 10 months later. They are invited to sit entrance assessments and have an interview. These assessments allow us to get to know each child as an individual and understand their personal strengths. Assessments take place at Oakham School each year in the January prior to joining in September. We welcome applications later in the year if spaces are available.
The assessment process consists of an online CAT4 reasoning test in addition to written papers in Maths and English (or an English as an Additional Language (EAL) paper for those whose first language is not English).
We don’t issue past papers, and there is nothing in particular that your child needs to prepare for the day. If your child does wish to familiarise themselves with the online CAT4 test, there are lots of sample questions available online for free or practice booklets for verbal and non-verbal reasoning that can be bought from bookshops.
We provide tailored support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to enable them to show their potential in these entrance assessments.
We will also request a confidential reference from your child’s current school, which gives us an insight into their day-to-day capabilities.
Offers made after the entrance assessments are unconditional.

13+ Scholarships
Children who achieve particularly well in the entrance assessments will be invited to attend a separate 13+ Academic Scholarship assessment day in late January or early February.
Those applying to join Year 9 are also able to apply for a range of other Scholarships to recognise and reward exceptional talent. Scholarships are available for: All-Rounder, Art, Design & Technology, Drama, Music, and Sport.
13+ Scholarship candidates will be invited to attend separate scholarship assessments and auditions for each scholarship applied for.

Joining our Community
When joining Year 9 at Oakham School, children become part of an inclusive day and boarding community, right in the heart of our school campus.
Our Middle School Housemasters/Housemistresses and house teams, along with personal tutors, provide tailored support and guidance throughout these crucial years, fostering both emotional and academic growth.
To ensure a purposeful and productive start to their Oakham School life, children attend a Familiarisation Day in June and an Induction Day in September. These events allow them to meet fellow pupils and key staff, setting the stage for an exciting year ahead.
Joining the Middle School brochure