Upper School student Sophie talks to us about her art.
Describe your art:
I believe my artwork is very abstract providing lots of expression when making, I like exploring shapes that occur naturally in the wild and involve it in my work. I have recently loved exploring entanglement and how the simple line can be manipulated, I’ve explored this in my work by using many different techniques like plaster of paris when using it as it has provided me with a vital base in order to lead my work into other things. My art also involves many photographs of the work I have created in different angles and environments as I love being able to capture the true nature of an object in the picture and using light to create shadows.
When did you first become interested in art?
As a child I loved to paint and draw making patterns using brushes and tools. However, I really became interested in art when I chose textiles as a GCSE, I already enjoyed creating art beforehand however this is when I really had time set aside in my week to do it. This enabled me to be create in new ways like batik, sewing and sgraffito, which has enabled me now to experiment and use many different techniques.
What is your favourite tool or material to work with?
I don’t have a favourite material as I have used so many different mediums in my work when experimenting that I have found a broad rage that I like these include the use of monoprints due to the colours it creates with a complex technique, using plaster of paris to sculpt with a blank white canvas once it have been created and simple charcoal as I like the mess it creates whilst using it and how easy it is to use for all different levels of art.
Where do you find creative inspiration?
I find inspiration from the nature around me including long walks on the beach and flowers I like the natural texture and shape that it creates and love to recreate that in abstract ways in my work. I also take Inspiration from my family round me and things they love and cherish for example my grandpa john and his love for gardening. I like to introduce this inspiration into my work in the way that I take natural textures and recreate them in certain elements in my work.
What are you going to study next year?
Next year I have decided to sport science at university as it’s something I’m passionate about and enjoy.