Over three days, the senior Prefects delivered a service that was both highly entertaining and moving, as they used the story of how P T Barnum overcame different setbacks to become a worldwide entertainment sensation. Dressed as the different characters from Barnum’s circus troupe, the Form 7 students interspersed elements of the traditional Chapel service with music and storytelling from the film. This included a powerful and moving performance of ‘This is Me’ by Elizabeth as bearded lady Lettie Lutz, supported by a small group of fellow Decem singers, and Will’s rendition of ‘The Greatest Show’ on the organ.
The Decem Chapel is an annual highlight of the School year, as it provides one of the last opportunities for the Form 7 Prefects to formally lead the School before they hand over to the next Decem cohort in May. The services are always highly entertaining and interactive spectacles with costumes, music and props. Previous themes have included a tribute to classic Pixar films and some classic 1980s movies.