Pupils and staff have participated in a variety of different charity giving initiatives this term, with a particular focus on helping those who are less fortunate this Christmas.
Form 2 pupils Oliver and Jack of Sargants House launched and led a Christmas
toy appeal in the Lower School that helped to donate over 300 gifts for the Trent Vineyard Church, in partnership with Nottingham City Housing Association, who currently support over 300 families in temporary hostel accommodation.
Girls in Gunthorpe House have also been busy collecting and wrapping small gifts for the Food Bank to give to families in a goodie bag this Christmas.
It’s not just pupils who have been helping the local community. School Nurse Kim Galleozzie, together with the staff in the Medical Centre, took time out of their busy schedules to bring in shoeboxes full of gifts to give to the local Fire Service who will be distributing them to the local community this Christmas.
Reporting on the rest of Oakham’s charitable endeavours this term, Head of Voluntary Action and OSCA, Chris West-Sadler, said: “Earlier in the term there was an outstanding response to the Harvest Rutland Food Bank appeal where, as a school, we collected more than half a tonne of donations – a truly wonderful feat. Our many Non-Uniform Days have raised £1,000s for causes such as Children in Need, The Rainbows Hospice and The Teenager Cancer Trust. Special mention must go to Mr Tref Vandoros who organised press ups to be completed across the School to raise money for the TCT, himself completing a super-human 48,500 press ups during November – just amazing! As in previous years there were collections for the Poppy Appeal for the Royal British Legion and the fine young men of School House grew moustaches for Movember. Well done to all.”