Form 6 pupils listen to inspirational talk by Iain Mahony
Form 6 pupils recently welcomed Iain Mahony who gave an engaging talk entitled “A Slow Crash” as part of their Wellbeing programme.
Iain shared his personal story of addiction and recovery honestly and openly, connecting with our pupils and helping them to understand some of the causes of addiction and the devastating consequences. He encouraged pupils to consider the way they respond to adversity and to make sure they develop positive habits for sustained mental and physical health.
“It is always a pleasure to welcome Iain to Oakham and every year, Form 6 tell us that it is the best talk they have ever been to’ says Megan Fairley, Head of Upper School. “His story is brutal, shocking and often upsetting but he speaks so candidly and with such calmness that we find ourselves hanging on his every word. It is telling that the pupils are still talking about it several days later”.
PSHE Coordinator Viv Lamb said, “The visit from Iain was inspiring and builds on the work Form 6 pupils have been doing around implementing habits that support good mental health. We hope that Iain’s story will help Form 6 realise that although negative strategies like gambling, drinking, and drugs may offer short term relief when you are worried or stressed they bring a whole host of issues in the long term. We are lucky to have support systems in school that can help if anyone is struggling.”
Find out more about Wellbeing at Oakham School