Members of Local Community Welcomed to Harvest Party
Oakham School welcomed over 100 guests to its annual Harvest Party, one of its best-loved community events. The party, which is a highlight of the year, is hosted by pupils and staff in Barraclough Dining Hall.
Pupils had spent the morning preparing for the party, organising refreshments, and decorating the venue. Guests were treated to afternoon tea served by pupils and a programme of entertainment, including bingo, a quiz and music, not to mention a good helping of conversation. Before joining in with a cheerful singalong to popular songs, visitors were treated to recitals from some of Oakham School’s talented musicians.
The Harvest Party is one of many charity and community initiatives that Oakham School is proud to support. Pupils recently visited the Rutland Foodbank to deliver harvest goods donated by the School community, and a team of Upper School pupils entertained members of Oakham’s PHAB Club with a movie afternoon.
Pupils also volunteered their services to Oakham Canal Green Corridor Project, Oakham in Bloom and local heritage railway Rocks by Rail.
One of the guests who attended the party was former pupil David Kirkwood, who commented: “I returned to Oakham School for the first time in over 50 years. My wife and I were invited to the Harvest Party, arranged by the pupils’ Voluntary Action initiative. We joined over 100 people in the fabulous dining room for tea and entertainment by some very talented young people. A most enjoyable occasion.”
Speaking to Rob Persani of Rutland and Stamford Sound, Form 5 (Year 11) pupil Shonali explained: “Everyone plays their part; it’s not down to any one person. We all really enjoy giving back to the community and helping out. It’s lovely to meet new people and I’m sure the guests love it as well. It’s great that we’ve got such a big turnout today.”
Chris West-Sadler, Head of Voluntary Action at Oakham School, said: “It was wonderful to see Oakham’s Voluntary Action students working with energy and enthusiasm all morning preparing for our Harvest Party, which is our headline event of the year. Flower arrangements for the tables were constructed, sandwiches made, party bags filled, balloons inflated, and raffle prizes wrapped.
“This event epitomises what Voluntary Action is all about. Through this annual event, pupils gain valuable experience, and the smiling faces of our guests remind us why volunteering is such an important thing to do. This has been a great afternoon and I thank everyone for their contribution.”