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28th June 2023

Celebrating as a Community at Speech Day & Prize Giving

Oakham School pupils, parents, staff, OOs and Trustees came together as a community to enjoy two days packed full of events and activities at the annual Speech Day and Lower School Prize Giving celebrations.

From academic displays and interactive demonstrations to musical and dramatic performances and sports matches, both days showcased the sheer breadth of learning opportunities and experiences on offer at Oakham School.

Speech Day

In time-honoured style, Speech Day began with the Chapel Choir and Chamber Choir in exceptional voice at the annual Speech Day Concert, A Choral Cornucopia.

Amidst blue skies and glorious sunshine, families could then explore different parts of the campus to view the superb Art and Design Technology exhibitions, watch highlights from the Main School Production of Into the Woods, and visit stands on Doncaster Close manned by pupils raising awareness and money for different charities. They could also participate in a range of exciting lessons to experience Oakham’s academic offering more fully. Building on the ever-popular hands-on Science displays and demonstrations, the Academic Takeover saw families take part in short, interactive lessons across the full spectrum of departments from Business to Theory of Knowledge.

Following the Sports Colours presentation in the marquee and picnic lunches in Houses, families gathered again in the marquee for the Prize Giving ceremony. Headmaster Henry Price commended the pupils for their achievements throughout the year and spoke about the importance of smiling and how it is central to human connection.

To round off proceedings, Heads of School Poppy and Obi gave a highly entertaining joint speech, reflecting on their schooldays with wit and wisdom and singling out a few key members of staff in the process for a mix of fun and praise. Obi reminded his fellow leavers to thank those people who have helped them in their Oakham journey and Poppy concluded the speech with a final piece of advice: “Take your opportunities. It’s not about being the best at everything… but it is about getting involved. For it is only when you get involved that you can possibly find out what is and is not for you.”

Lower School Prize Giving

The weather was similarly spectacular for the annual Lower School Prize Giving where the School community celebrate the achievements of its youngest pupils. The day began with children and parents participating in a variety of fun activities hosted by a selection of academic departments. These included creating Shakespearean insults, locating different countries’ flag following clues in French and identifying animal skulls, to name just a few. In the main marquee there were some excellent displays of pupil work from Art and Design and Technology classes, as well as creative writing produced in English lessons.

After the prize giving ceremony, where pupils were awarded academic, co-curricular and community prizes, families enjoyed picnics on Doncaster Close before reconvening on Farside for an afternoon of friendly competition. Pupils from all four Lower School Houses competed on track and field, with some heroic and passionate performances. Lincoln and Peterborough House took home the overall trophies.


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