Oakham School Community Celebrates Connected Curriculum
Connected Curriculum Day (CC24) offered the perfect opportunity for the Oakham School Community to celebrate the School’s holistic education.
Check out the photos from the day!
Pupils and their families enjoyed the chance to explore displays, activities and performances across the School’s campus that showcased the strength of academic, pastoral and co-curricular learning at Oakham.
The day began with a magnificent Choral Concert in the Chapel featuring the Chapel Choir, Chamber Choir and Form 3 Singers. Simultaneously Oakham’s skilled U15 boy and girl cricketers were playing a mixed cricket match on Doncaster Close, demonstrating the strength and depth of talent within each side. Visitors to the Richard Bull Art and Design Centre and the Jerwood School of Design could view an impressive Art and DT exhibition of work by pupils in Forms 5 and 7. Meanwhile audiences in the QET had a chance to relive last autumn’s magnificent Main School Production as Oakham’s talented actors performed excerpts from the Les Misérables.
The focus of CC24 was on providing fun, interactive challenges for families that tested their skills and knowledge. As well as academic displays, families could try their hand at activities such as archery, wall climbing, virtual reality cooking, and a golf simulator.
In addition to the activities and displays, Headmaster Henry Price delivered two talks on the Connected Curriculum and developments at Oakham School in the Wilson Auditorium. The WA also played host to a talk by Deputy Head Pastoral Sarah Gomm and Assistant Head Pastoral Carly Latham on the Pastoral Curriculum.
The weather remained fine throughout the morning, which meant that families could enjoy picnics at their child’s House. This provided the perfect excellent opportunity for House communities to come together and celebrate their children’s achievements over the past year.
As the final four weeks of the school year approach, there is a packed programme of celebrations and events for families to enjoy. The Big Band Concert, The Lion King JR, and the Leavers’ Ball are just three of the hotly anticipated events coming up. In addition, there will be more opportunities for the School community to celebrate the achievements of its pupils with Lower School Prize Giving, the annual Sports Colours presentations, and Middle and Upper School Speech Day on the final day of term.