Tate Modern Inspires Form 7 Art Students
Form 7 students who are studying Art and Critical and Contextual Studies took a trip to world famous gallery Tate Modern in London, to find inspiration for their final examination piece.
Students made drawings, took photographs and scribbled down ideas as they toured three contrasting exhibitions. ‘Electric Dreams. Art and Technology Before the Internet’ is an exhibition bringing together a range of international artists who engaged with technology and innovation to make their work. The show shares digital technology from the 1970s and 1980s, machine0-made-art and early computing systems. It was full of immersive sensory installations as well as automatically generated works.
The pupils were captivated by Anthony McCall’s ‘Solid Light’ exhibition, which was an immersive space using projected light to create three-dimensional forms in space. After visiting the third exhibition, ‘Mike Kelley. Ghost and Spirit’ and experiencing his reflections on identity and memory, students took time to explore the main collection to gather more ideas. A great trip to kickstart their externally set assignment.
Check out this great film of the day by Bella Lloyd-Edwards