Oakham School recently welcomed internationally acclaimed author Nicola Morgan to the Wilson Auditorium to deliver a talk on parenting and the teenage brain.
Known as ‘The Teenage Brain Woman’, Nicola has won several awards for her well-known books which include titles such as ‘Be Resilient’, ‘Blame My Brain’ and ‘The Teenage Guide(s) to Stress, Friends and Life Online’.
The exclusive talk was for parents with pupils at Oakham School and covered a range of topics on what makes adolescence special and the developing teenage brain.
She explored the potholes of teenage years such as conflict and insecurity and how parents can deal with these and work with their teenagers to help them to overcome these issues.
With around 30 to 40% of younger people being classed as ‘Introverts’, the talk also covered key information on how they think and why they’re over-aware in social situations.
Parents were also interested to hear about how teenagers get stressed and their stress response, as well as how teenage brains have their own ‘bandwidth occupations’ which can mean they struggle to focus.
Nicola said: “After a year and a half of talking to myself in a screen, it was wonderful to have a live audience of parents eager to know how to help their sons and daughters understand and gain control over their brains and have the best possible journey towards independence.”
Nicola does talks around the world on topics relating to her popular books which cover a wide range of topics including teenage brains, stress, peer pressure and friendships, human behaviour, life online, body image and sleep.
For a mass of useful information and resources for families, please visit Nicola’s website www.nicolamorgan.com.
For any parents who missed out on the talk, the recording and resources are now available on the Parent Portal.