At the end of an extremely busy first half term, here’s a look back at what what our Middle and Upper School pupils have been up to with their House families.
At the start of the School year, all boarders were welcomed back with socials, House BBQ’s and dinners to ensure new and returning pupils had time to connect with one another and bond as a House.
House families were formed, giving our younger house members support from their older peers, and our older ones the responsibility of care for the newest family members.
Collectively, House’s took part in our annual Tom Grant Football Festival, a fun weekend event that brings together our day and boarding community for some friendly competition, Hambleton were crowned victorious!
Activities and events continued throughout the term with House trips, lots of time outdoors playing sports and walking together, evenings of games, movies, quizzes, interhouse debating and a pyjama dinner.
@gunthorpehouse got busy baking and hosted a charity bake sale raising over £600 for Metabolic Support UK, well done Gunthorpe!
@barrowhouseoakham enjoyed quality time with their House families, team building at their football and pizza social evening. Form 3 enjoyed an evening of games, hot dogs and s’mores with @hambleton_house_oakham.
@hambleton_house_oakham are a keen bunch of Puzzlers and their Puzzle of Positivity has already been completed in this term, House breakfast was another highlight for them!
Clipsham have been enjoying lots of House socials and come together for House football on a Friday. House Drama is up and running and they have been celebrating lots of achievements with four Clipshamites making it into the Les Mis cast, two representing first team Rugby and Cricket and the debating team beating Buchannans!
@buchanans.oakham House Prefects have been keeping their House families busy by leading lots of activities and socials.
In one weekend @wharflandshouse had rugby fixtures, F3 Boarders Social, House BBQ, Outdoor Cinema in the garden for the England Rugby match, Pizza Night, Aqua Park and Speedway!
@rushebrookes have been busy bonding in their House Families as fun House Competitions are underway. So far they have chosen House Family names, designed a flag to represent their teams and taken part in the House annual ‘Trashion’ Show.
@haywoodsoakham have been making the most of their newly renovated kitchen with the launch of their House Bake Off, so far bakes have included Chocolate Lava Cake, Chocolate Blueberry Cake and Blinchiki Crepes.
Stevens have been enjoying lots of time together as a House, a highlight for them was karaoke night.
Chapmans were welcomed back to House with a BBQ, badminton and football followed by many House activities and socials.
A restful Half Term break for everyone is definitely in order after all that!
We’re now looking forward to lots more House fun during the run up to Christmas.