As part of their One Day Film School Challenge, the Form 5 (Year 11) pupils learned the essentials of film making – film history, fight choreography, screenwriting, camera and editing – before making short films in groups across the campus.
The five groups of students could make films on any subject they wanted and the pupils were highly inventive in their choice of subject matter. Themes and genres ranged from a murder mystery set in Stevens House, to the unveiling of a teacher’s true identity as a ‘master criminal’.
“I was extremely impressed by how they embraced the challenge and came up with such sophisticated films within such a short period of time.”
At the end of the day, pupils and staff gathered in the Wilson Auditorium to watch a première of their five films. The Best Picture Oscar was awarded to Freddie, Lena, Dante, Will T, Will N and Fergus for The One that Got Away. Their film told an engaging, entertaining story which was technically superb. The judges were particularly impressed by the excellent performances and high standard of camerawork, editing and sound design.
The One Day Film School Challenge was just one of a series of activities that Form 5 students have participated in following their GCSE exams. They have also enjoyed a series of taster lessons in the subjects they are planning to study and have spent time in the library choosing books to read over the summer in preparation for their post-16 studies.